Half Day Mystery Valley Tour

3 hours and 30 minutes


Beautiful large arches, Anasazi ruins, petroglyphs

You will meet your guide at the tour booth/kiosk. The booth/kiosk is located in the Monument Valley Visitors Center Parking Lot. At the West end of the parking lot there is a little turquoise building with a sign that says, "Guided Tours, Tour Information". Go there and you well meet your guide.

Mystery Valley is exactly whats is named after. its a mystery. This tour will take you back in time... You will see Beautiful large arches, Anasazi ruins, petroglyphs as well as pictographs. There will be a bit of hiking on this tour. about 150 feet hikes to get to the arches. hiking shoes recommended.

What's included?
    • Bottled water
    • Navajo Guide
    • Local & Close surrounding areas Guides
    • Poncho
      • I'm sorry but there are NO FACILITIES available while on tour in Mystery Valley.
      • Park Entrance fee $9/person is NOT included with tour price. It is separate from the tour price.
      Please note
        • All tour times are based on Mountain Standard Time.
        • There is a 1 hour time difference between Utah and Arizona so keep that in mind when you are booking.
        • We recommend: you wear hiking shoes, bring a fully charged phone or camera, and a hat and raincoat if the weather permits.
        • Our vehicles are open air trucks that seat 12 people comfortably or you could reserve a closed in vehicle. We do have pet friendly vehicles . Please be sure to reserve and specify which you prefer.
        • To start the tour, park at the Monument Valley Visitor Center meet us at our tour booth. Take a look at the map to get directions to the visitor center
        What to bring
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